电影 巨无霸机械工程



  • 片名:巨无霸机械工程
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Garnett/Williams/
  • 导演:Daniel/Oron/
  • 年份:2021
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 类型:记录/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-02-20 12:18
  • 简介:  Massive machines require engineering extremes.  The massive man-made satellite, commonly known as the International Space Station, hurtling around the Earth at 27,600 km an hour, has been a temporary home for humans for the last 20 years. The biggest land vehicle on earth, a bucket excavator titled Bagger 293, that can move 240,000 cubic meters of dirt each day. Innovation has always meant building bigger, faster, taller, longer and stronger than anything that came before. We’ve seen them in dramatic visual fashion. But how do these actually work? What sets each machine apart. What big ideas drove its evolution and what limitations did this machine overcome? What forces was it built to withstand and where is the breaking point? Using CGI and expert insights, we ‘strip down’ the design of some of the world’s unique colossal machines and reveal mechanical secrets that not only made them work, but also changed the world in a big way!  Each episode explores four incredible machines, linked thematically. From sea and space faring designs, to mega airborne, mining and industrial machines, we’ll break down what they can do as well as key inner mechanics and materials that make it all possible. Dynamic archival footage featuring; slow motion, aerials, and time-lapses get us past the ‘caution’ tape and up close and personal with these compound monsters. CGI provides breakouts and blueprints and a look at hidden mechanisms. Adding expertise of structural, mechanical, chemical and forensic engineers to help reveal what’s at stake when these colossal constructions are put work, and how all the pieces come together to make a big impact.  EPISODES:  S1 E1 Sea Monsters  S1 E2 Astronomical Engineering  S1 E3 There Be Dragons  S1 E4 Sub-Zero Supermachines  S1 E5 Earth Biters  S1 E6 Mammoth Manufacturing  
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首页 电影 剧情片 巨无霸机械工程


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  Massive machines require engineering extremes.  The massive man-made satellite, commonly known as the International Space Station, hurtling around the Earth at 27,600 km an hour, has been a temporary home for humans for the last 20 years. The biggest land vehicle on earth, a bucket excavator titled Bagger 293, that can move 240,000 cubic meters of dirt each day. Innovation has always meant building bigger, faster, taller, longer and stronger than anything that came before. We’ve seen them in dramatic visual fashion. But how do these actually work? What sets each machine apart. What big ideas drove its evolution and what limitations did this machine overcome? What forces was it built to withstand and where is the breaking point? Using CGI and expert insights, we ‘strip down’ the design of some of the world’s unique colossal machines and reveal mechanical secrets that not only made them work, but also changed the world in a big way!  Each episode explores four incredible machines, linked thematically. From sea and space faring designs, to mega airborne, mining and industrial machines, we’ll break down what they can do as well as key inner mechanics and materials that make it all possible. Dynamic archival footage featuring; slow motion, aerials, and time-lapses get us past the ‘caution’ tape and up close and personal with these compound monsters. CGI provides breakouts and blueprints and a look at hidden mechanisms. Adding expertise of structural, mechanical, chemical and forensic engineers to help reveal what’s at stake when these colossal constructions are put work, and how all the pieces come together to make a big impact.  EPISODES:  S1 E1 Sea Monsters  S1 E2 Astronomical Engineering  S1 E3 There Be Dragons  S1 E4 Sub-Zero Supermachines  S1 E5 Earth Biters  S1 E6 Mammoth Manufacturing  


  • HD国语
    2.0 郝蕾/席嘉琪/马苏/杨坤/王晓赟子/黄景行/陆思恒/喻文乐/布布/方青卓/刘頔/赵亮/宁小花/孙昊/张歌/熊晓雯/
  • 第3集
  • 高清版
    9.0 克里斯蒂安娜·德朗娜/约翰·利思戈/大卫·摩斯/吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼/费德里克·卡斯特鲁西奥/凯瑟琳·波切尔/杰里米·博布/罗马纳·马乔拉·韦尔加诺/帕奇·德拉奇/维多利亚·马兹洛夫/肖恩·卡伦/蒙特塞拉特·埃斯帕代尔/弗吉尼亚·波切利/费德里科·伊帕迪/麦迪逊·汉默/卢卡斯·班肯/利亚姆·坎波拉/汤姆·鲍尔勒/泰勒·克拉克/尤金尼娅·福尔泰萨/
  • HD
    8.0 未知
  • 正片
    4.0 Maciej/Karaś/帕維爾·杜馬賈拉/派翠克·西梅克/米哈烏·祖拉斯基/Amelia/Fijałkowska/格里高茲·瑪萊茲基/朵蘿達·克拉/拉法·札維盧卡//
  • 正片
    9.0 玛瑞萨·阿贝拉/杰克·奥康奈尔/莱丝利·曼维尔/埃迪·马森/布隆森·韦伯/安苏·卡比亚/萨姆·布坎南/哈尔莉·伯德/皮埃尔·伯格曼/蒂姆·特洛洛尔/科林·梅斯/迪韦恩·托马斯/克里斯托斯·劳顿/迈克尔·西格尔/玛蒂尔达·索普/博拉吉·凯因德/泰勒·瓦莱丽/瑞安·奥多尔蒂/塞尔玛·鲁比/阿里奥·纳哈万迪/
  • 第10集
    2.0 未知
  • 第1集
    10.0 未知
  • HD
    8.0 刘永骥/卢问章/叶俊武/
  • HD
    4.0 唐文琦/明晓曦/牛悦鑫/
  • 正片
    4.0 王千源/王景春/齐溪/张宥浩/王天辰/周政杰/阿如那/吴双/
  • 正片
    5.0 郑在泳/李星民/徐俊英/崔相旭/李秀彬/
  • HD
    7.0 未知
  • HD中字
    8.0 罗伯特·米彻姆/库尔德·于尔根斯/大卫·海迪生/西奥多·比凯尔/罗素柯林斯/库尔特·克罗伊格/弗兰克·艾伯森/比夫·埃利奥特/
  • HD
    5.0 阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃/埃德瓦·贝耶/乔纳森·科恩/吉尔·勒卢什/皮奥·马麦/狄迪尔·弗拉蒙/罗曼·杜里斯/艾格妮丝·赫斯泰尔/让-马利·文灵/玛丽·布奈尔/Catherine/Schaub-Abkarian/马克·弗赖兹/杰罗姆·尼尔/鲍里斯·吉洛/维克托·阿西/约翰·迪翁内/Hervé/Pauchon/Angélique/Pleau/Matthias/Girbig/Éric/Naggar/
  • 第2集
    9.0 未知
  • HD
    1.0 筱原笃/成嶋瞳子/池田良/光石研/安藤玉惠/中川雅也/木野花/黑田大辅/山中崇/内田慈/山中聪/
  • HD
    4.0 前田敦子/卡塞尔·麻纪/哀川翔/坂东龙汰/片冈礼子/宇野祥平/原田龙二/松本妃代/長田诗音/丰田真帆/
  • HD中字
    5.0 桑德拉·科维洛尼/卡罗丽娜·费拉兹/索菲娅·玛尔凯斯/霍博托·玛雅/保罗·塞萨尔·梅罗/托马斯·斯塔维罗斯/维森特·卡托/
  • 已完结




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